Oakville continues to be in demand for new development in the office and industrial markets.
The tools on this page will help businesses to understand where current developments are planned or underway. To learn more about active developments or to connect with a zoning officer, contact Service Oakville.

Current developments
Find out where development is happening in Oakville.
We make it a point to keep you up-to-date on development and site plan applications, providing a look into the local development pipeline.
Look up active building permits using the Building Permits Map.

Planned development
The Livable Oakville Official Plan sets out policies on how lands should be used and growth managed in the community.
Oakville's six areas for urban development include: Midtown Oakville, Uptown Core, Palermo Village, Kerr Village, Bronte Village and Downtown Oakville.
Determine your zoning designation using this GIS mapping tool: